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³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø Blue & Gold Ball 2017

Friday 18th August 2017

6.00pm to 11.00pm

We're bringing back the iconic ³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø Blue & Gold Ball!

The ³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø Blue & Gold Ball Friday 18 August from 6pm

In 2017, ³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø has relaunched its popular annual social event, the ³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø Blue & Gold Ball, which will be held on Friday 18 August. This historical event, which ran from 1911 until 1977 was an integral part of the College’s social calendar and provided much needed funds for the ³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø Building Fund (in operation since the College was formed in 1903).

The ³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø Blue & Gold Ball was an opportunity for the members of the ³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø Community to come together and show support for their school by fundraising for the College’s infrastructure. Their legacy lives on today in many of the buildings that provide exceptional learning experiences for our students.

As the College begins the next stage of its current Masterplan, we are reintroducing this important part of the social fabric of the College to ensure the ongoing improvement to ³ÉÈË×ÛºÏÍø’s facilities.

Why we are fundraising:

As the College seeks to move into the development of the next phase of the masterplan, we have identified some key areas that need to be updated. This first step of the next phase is called “Building A Sustainable Campus”. Amongst other strategies it will include:

  • An update of the heart of the Senior Campus, the Centenary Quadrangle. Landscaping it to include turf, shrubs, plants and seating for students. All the while maintaining its usability for assemblies, ceremonies, cadet parades as well as a play area.
  • Renovating and landscaping the current Junior School cricket nets by increasing usable space, cleaning up the surrounding landscape and levelling the ground on which they lie.

So far this year, due to the generosity of our community, we have raised just over $30,000 towards making these landscaping works a reality. We aim, with your help, to further raise $100,000 and we believe that together as a community we can achieve this.

You can support us by doing one of the following:

To bid on the Silent Auction visit 

Check out our raffle prizes and purchase tickets